Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy Elephant-iversary, Ladies!!


One year ago today...right around this time of the evening...I was standing in a "pen" on the side of the road outside the Ziegfeld Theater in New York City with 17ForeverLisa, MsSassyKassie, BellaTesoro, and Meg (and my friend Jen) freaking out because our beautiful man was on his way down the line of screaming fans to say hello...I wasn't really yet "part" of the fandom...

...fast forward a year (12monthsofRob) and I'm helping run this blog, addicted to (and writing) fanfiction, 'talking' with my 12months girls pretty much daily.  I've flown to Chicago to attend the Breaking Dawn DVD release party, and met some amazing friends along the way...here's to our anniversary, ladies!  Drink up!

Rob signing autographs for fan at the WFE premiere :) April 17, 2011

Rob signing autographs at the Today Show, April 18, 2011

I couldn't have asked for a better 12months with Rob, my new friends, or this fandom - looking forward to another 12months with you all and many more!  Love you, ladies, big time!!

*I own none of the videos above - they are the property of those who posted them*


  1. Thanks Lauren for putting this together. It was great seeing those videos because when you were in the thick of it all, all you noticed was HIM, and missed some of the crazy all around me.
    Happy Anniversary girls!

  2. YAY! That was such a glorious weekend. Exactly what I needed in so many ways. Rob was just the glitter lube on the top of the cake (ewww). haha

    Happy Friendversary everyone!

  3. holy up close and personal jawp0rn on that last video!

    Happy Anniversary!
    I really like the collage you made, Lauren!

  4. Oooohhhh lord! That last video? Dayum!
    Happy Elephantiversary! If you gals hadn't met up in NYC things wouldn't be the same!
    Big Smooches to all of you!

  5. Happy Elephant-iversary girls!!! I soooo wish I could have been there with you but Mella was and she enjoyed herself! LOL I just lived vicariously through her. I can't believe it has been a year already! Great post Lauren!

  6. I should have commented earlier when we were on the phone Lauren bc reading this post again has made me all happy/sad... sad/happy? Meh either way! Happy anniversary girls, even though we do 'talk' everyday, I miss you all so freaking much! Now that I'm already weepy.... *holds arms out for a group hug* c'mon ya know ya wanna. I'll even thrown in some new Rob Today show stills (well tomorrow when I can access my pictures that is lol).

    This shall be known from this day forth as our Robkowskiversery

  7. I like the idea of a Robkowskiersery Day. This was our first. Just like THAT day was so many firsts
    for me. Something to celebrate and remember everyday. We should go back and link up with the
    posts we all did from our time there, put those videos and pics together somehow. We've got some cool pictures and OMG the videos too.
    Remember the one DD caught of us finding my "tesoro" shot and we squealed like crazy?! And then me and you being interviewed by NBC! "....there's just something about him...his eyes twinkle." Could they have gotten the lamest quote out of me or what?! Then the footage of us all jumping up yelling when we got our bracelets. Oh, so many fun times. So many friends were made and kept.
    Love you all.

  8. I have them all saved on my computer (iphoto and imovie). I just happen to be going to the Apple Store with my friend today for a girls day and a one to one computer time.
    I'll ask the guys if they can help me put what I have together and ready to share. All this needs to be put together for us. I'd like that.

  9. I can't believe it has been a year. Time is just flying. I am forever grateful that I was able to go on this trip and meet all of you. It was an amazing time and you are all amazing women. BellaTesoro, I will NEVER forget that video I took and seeing your incredible picture for the first time - it will always remain my favorite picture of ALL Rob pictures ever! Not kidding at all.

    Let's hope we can all do this again for Cosmopolis or some other future Rob movie.

  10. Oh, Lauren. Why you gotta make me cry? That was such a special day for so many reasons, including meeting you and having you become a part of my/our lives.

    Here's to another great year!



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