Tuesday, February 26, 2013

365 - Week 8

Aaaaand I'm late yet again...but I promise...the ladies here at 12monthsofRob have made some selections that you will be all to happy to look at on this Tuesday night.  Thanks again to Robsessed for the idea!

I'll shoot for some more on-time posting this week...but until then...enjoy the pretty!  And since I didn't pick any pics this week, you'll have to just deal with my little comments under the pics that were selected :)

Day 49:  First Rob pic that you saw this week

 photo MORENewHQRobertPattinsonNYSE6-1_zps6fc5a666.jpg
*Hey, how about that, I was right down the street (or close enough) when this picture was taken...*

 photo Mon-firstpic_zpsc645f6c4.jpg
*Best. Calendar. EVER.*

 photo 1UABFirstPicISawThisWeek_zps7cbd33c1.jpg

Day 50:  Pic from Bel Ami Presscon/Photocall

 photo pressconfberlinpattinsonlife201213_zps097d720a.jpg
*personally this one was my tablet wallpaper for a good 3 months after I saw it*
 photo 2UABBelAmiPressCon_zps42cfd0df.jpg

 photo Tues-BelAmipresscon_zpsfd88d29d.jpg
*I will forever love Rob in black and white*

Day 51:  Pic of Rob with shorter hair or buzzcut

 photo Wed-shorterhair_zpsba835899.jpg 
*Jacob Jankowski.  Simply Beautiful.*

 photo RobertPattinsonEclipsePortraits3_zps8d906e83.jpg

 photo 3UABRobWithShortHair_zps140a48bb.jpg
*I remember DYING at seeing this first short hair pic...*

Day 52:  Pic/Gif that reflects your mood

 photo mmmm_zpsf2509509.gif

 photo 4UABGIFthatReflectsMyMood_zpse65a6296.gif
*We've seen this one before...it's becoming a theme with all the randomness real life throws at us lately*

 photo GIFEllen4_zps81a352af.gif

Day 53:  Fave George DuRoy Pic

 photo Fri-GeorgesDuroy_zps016aceb1.jpg

 photo 5uabbelamipic_zps0f12d47a.jpg
*The intensity of his stare...in this entire movie...*shivers*

Day 54:  Fave pic edit of the day

 photo 6UABFaveEdit_zps33839d5a.jpg 
*This one was submitted by UAB...and made by her lovely daughter.  So sweet!*

 photo Sat-picedit_zps035ff0d2.png 
*A boy and his guitar...*

 photo francies67174_zps69d007a1.jpg
*Simply gorgeous*

Day 55:  Rob pic at the Oscars

 photo roboscars2010_zps567f6598.jpg
*that smirk...*

 photo 7UABRobOscarsPic_zps4b4b63ac.jpg 
*so freaking adorable...it's like he's saying "aww shucks..."*

 photo Sun-OscarRob_zps8f37fea5.jpg
*Hell. Yes.*

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did when putting it together.  I'm off to send out this week's call to my ladies and get some reading in.  I hope everyone has a wonderful evening!! 


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

365 - Week 7

Ok...so I'm sorry that this is so late, but I kicked off my vacation with a weekend full of spending time with friends and my husband...and I just didn't get around to it :)

But at any rate...we have some wonderful selections this week...check them out!  Thanks again to Robsessed for the idea and categories!  Those girls rock!

Day 42:  First Pic of Rob you saw this week

 photo Screenshot_2013-01-30-15-30-49-1_zps9dd2ec41.jpg  photo FirstPic_zps3b43598d.jpg  photo firstpicofRob_zpsc81e8a4b.jpg  photo 1UABFirstPicISawThisWeek_zps191efd2b.jpg

Day 43:  Rob's flushed cheeks

 photo redfacedRob_zpsb727fc0d.jpg  photo 2UABFlushedCheeks_zpsa6b7234b.jpg  photo Blushing_zpsc567832b.jpg  photo Robflushedcheeks_zps916f20eb.png

Day 44:  Love quote from a Rob film

 photo 3UABLoveQuoteFromRobFilm_zpsa222ef0b.jpg
 photo lovequote_zps07b218e9.jpg
 photo youaremylifenow_zpsda5c604b.jpg
and this last one because UAB thought it was too funny not to share...not really from a movie, but...
 photo 3UABLoveQuoteIKnowIsNotInFilmButTooFunnyICouldNotResist_zps420dd328.jpg

Day 45:  Rob Pic/Gif that reflects your mood

 photo hello_zpsdf98b613.gif  photo Moodgif_zps8f015bca.gif  photo TorontoPC3_zps5a510ee9.gif  photo 4UABRobGiftThatReflectsMyMood_zpsa77b89c8.gif

It seems like we all might be loosing it just a little...tipping over to the crazy side just a bit..or saying, 'fuck it'! 

Day 46:  2 words:  Sex Scene

 photo belamisex1_zpsa6430db5.gif 
Bel Ami

Remember Me...my personal faves...

 photo CosmoSex_zpsbdf906e7.jpg 

 photo 5UABSexScene_zps0d8c800e.gif
Water for Elephants

Day 47:  Pic with Uma Thurman

 photo 6UABPicWithUma_zpsdd5d29d2.jpg  photo georgesmadeline_zps3f385ab4.jpg  photo RobwUma_zps6d15601c.jpg  photo Robandthatwoman_zpse485be19.jpg

Day 48:  Fave wallpaper of the moment

   photo Cosmopolis-Wallpaper-robert-pattinson-23073604-1920-1200_zpsb520531b.jpg  photo deskrob-2012-10-01_zps01261654.jpg  photo currentwallpaper_zps40aaa338.png  photo 7UABFaveWallpaper_zps3403714c.png

Some days this 'job' is so hard...I had to stare at all that pretty to put this together...*sigh*

Until next week...or until I get inspired for another post of some sort...have a great week!!! 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

365 Days - Week 6

Thanks again to Robsessed for the idea and the subjects...forgot to link last week but it's here this week!

...Enjoy the pretty...

Day 35:  Pic of Rob adjusting his waistline
*I suppose this one could work for Sunday as well....*

 photo 1UABRobAdjustingHisPants_zps9ac3b9b0.jpg

Day 36:  BTS/Filming Pic/Gif from Bel Ami
*He's so adorable!

 photo 2UABFilmingBelAmi_zps75b109f0.jpg

Day 37:  Pic with Christina Ricci
*Rob looks so confused in this one...

 photo robert-pattinson-looks-elegant-christina-ricci-glam-at-bel-ami-berlinale-premiere_zpsd0280450.jpg
 photo 3UABPicWithChristinaRicci_zpsade32688.jpg

Day 38:  Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
*UAB picked this one (along with most of the rest of this week's photos) and I think it sums it up for most of us - judging by the busy week we've all been having...

 photo 4UABGIFthatReflectsMyMood_zpsc8ae6296.gif

Day 39:  Fave RobPorn of the Day
*I think this one says it all...*

 photo 5UABMoreRobp0rn_zps31372704.gif

I was standing probably 25 feet from him when this next picture was taken...just sayin ;-)

 photo 5UABrobp0rn_zps5fb31e7b.jpg

Day 40:  Bel Ami Still

 photo 6UABBelAmiStill_zps45976958.jpg

Day 41:  Rob Pic with his mouth open
*This face kills me....

 photo 7UABRobPicWithMouthOpen_zpsc927c809.jpg

Whelp - that's it for this week...we were all a little busy and crazy so the selection was a bit smaller than usual...but we did it!  41 of our 365 days of celebrating our man down...many more beautiful days to go!  Have a wonderful week everyone!