Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Birthday, Meg!!!

Meg, we wanted to wish you a very happy birthday!!!  We know that you've been a bit otherwise engaged and haven't been able to spend as much time with us...or with Rob ;-)...but we just wanted you to know that we love you and miss you and hope that this birthday finds you happy and healthy and doing all that you want to be doing.  Here's to our lovely Meg:

First, we thought it only appropriate that we share a video with so many of the videos you had made in the past have brought us so much happiness...kiTT found this one to share with's not an homage to Rob but more of thank you for being our friend and a reminder that you've always got us too :)

So with that, Meg, we hope you have a wonderful day today...but just as with we always say here at could probably use a little more here you go:

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We love you!!  Happy Birthday!!!!! :)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

365 Days - Week 12

Another on time post?!  Bestill my heart....

But we've got some pics that will get the heart pumping without further ado, I present, Week 12:

Day 77:  First pic of Rob you saw this week

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mmm...Rover Rob...back in the USA

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Day 78:  Favorite Rob character

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Of course...the original...a popular choice among the 12months girls...according to UAB:
"Edward...always Edward"

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Naughty also chose Edward...but says that Art would be a close second...

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Lisa went with the original too :)

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for me, however, it was a tie...between Tyler...

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and Jacob...

Day 79:  Fave tie Rob has worn

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UAB particularly loves the unbuttoned button under the tie in this look...

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CosmoNY Premiere - holds a special place in my heart...this tie (and the man in the suit) were mere INCHES from my face...

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WFENY...also holds a special place for me as it was the first time I've seen this beautiful man in person...

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Naughty also went with CosmoNY Rob...although she'd like me to point out that she doesn't like ties and would prefer to see chest hair instead... :)

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Day 80:  Pic/Gif that reflects your mood

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Welp...UAB is on break...and she's feelin' good about it...

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I'm not sure what the swagger with a gun says about Naughy's feelings this week...

Lisa did send me a gif too but the link was broken and I didn't know until I'm sorry but I can't include it right now for you all...if I get it from her again, I'll update :)

Day 81:  Rob edit of the day

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UAB's choice...and I quote:  "Damn blue shirt!  Girly bits aflutter!"

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Day 82:  Rob in a hoodie

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Day 83:  Rob in his Harry Potter days

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Naughty says this does it for her...

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shorts! knees! wand! really, there's a wand attached to his leg...pervy h00rs...

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...such a Rob expression...

 photo 23653808-23653810-large_zps2c50ff63.jpg for Naughty I chose a look with a little chest hair...just for her...

Thanks again to Robsessed for the idea and categories! 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

365 - Week 11

Slightly more on time with this one :) 

This is what happens when I sit down and bang out 2 posts at the same time....enjoy the pretty!! 

Day 70 - Fave cheekboneporn

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Day 71 - Fave robporn of the day 

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17foreverLisa seemed to be feeling the Jawporn...
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...while I was feeling the fingerporn

Day 72 - Pic of Rob with a full beard

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simply gorgeous
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Day 73 - Pic/Gif that reflects your mood

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I am so frickin' tired lately....I just want a nap...

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Day 74 - 2009 Pic of Rob from presscon or portrait session 

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2009 ComicCon
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2009 GQ

Day 75 - Rarely shared pic of Rob
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Hey!  I was in the audience for this.  Seriously.  Nice pic, Lisa!!

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Day 76 - Ric of Rob with a beer

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a beer...and a drill...

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People's Choice Awards 2013

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I absolutely love this last one.   Candid.  But strikes me as very... him.

Thanks again to Robsessed for their organization and forethought :) 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

365 - Week 10

So I'm REALLY late this week...I guess you'll just be getting these when you get them now...but I'll make sure every single one of the 365 days of Rob gets done before the end of the year ;-) 

Day 63: Pic of Rob wearing untidy shoes

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Day 64:  Fave Rob movie poster

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We just thought that he looks the Remember Me poster...
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Day 65:  Best Leno interview 

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17foreverLisa and I both looked for the video of this interview and couldn't find it - but Rob reading emails from his Dad is frickin' adorable...

Day 66:  Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood

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Day 67:  Pic of Rob's bottom lip

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Can I have this job??
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This holds a special place in my heart as I was standing maybe 50 feet away...
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and this one was taken by our very own Meg at the WFE Premiere :)

Day 68:  Pic of Rob's lashes

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Another one of our own...BellaTesoro took this one at WFE...such a gem of a shot...and those lashes...holy hell...

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Day 69:  Pic of Rob with a watch 

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I love the Cosmo watch...what can I say...
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I got this one in 2 different submissions so it had to go on there twice...enjoy the double trouble! 

Thanks again to Robsessed for organizing all of this!!